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2024.8.29 ノーマライゼーション

Japanese Phrase Collection 13

"From casual everyday conversations and lighthearted stories, we move on to senryu, haiku, poetry, and tanka.

Enjoy the beauty and charm of the Japanese language.

Feel free to share it with your children."

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Poem Translations

  1. The soft light of dawn gently wraps around the window. The city still sleeps, and my heart sways with the lingering echoes of dreams. The birds’ song quietly opens the door to the future.
    Explanation: This poem reflects a peaceful, early morning scene. The speaker is in a calm, meditative state, as they transition from the world of dreams to waking life. The birds' song symbolizes a gentle, hopeful awakening, suggesting the promise of a new day and the possibilities it holds.

  2. In the green fields, a single flower blooms quietly. Though it has no words, it speaks with the wind. It finds joy in simply existing, without resisting the flow of time.
    Explanation: The poem speaks about simplicity and acceptance. The flower, though silent, communicates with nature and lives harmoniously without struggling against time. It symbolizes contentment, finding beauty in simply being and accepting life as it comes.

  3. On a quiet night, the sound of rain echoes softly, and long-buried memories rise to the surface. The smiles of those I once loved fall into my heart like raindrops. In the loneliness, there is a comforting warmth.
    Explanation: This poem reflects nostalgia and the bittersweet warmth of memories. The rain triggers recollections of loved ones, and even though there is a sense of loneliness, the memories provide a sense of comfort, as if the past is offering solace in the present.

  4. Under the dappled sunlight, a small stream sparkles at my feet. As I dip my hand in the water, it feels as though the passing time entwines with my fingers. In that moment, the eternity of the present stretches before me.
    Explanation: This poem speaks to the passage of time and the eternal nature of the present moment. By touching the water, the speaker feels connected to the flow of time, realizing that every moment contains an infinite depth, blending past, present, and future.

  5. The wind brings with it a story from a distant land. It crosses seas and mountains, whispering softly in my ear. I walk through the afternoon, dreamlike, chasing that voice.
    Explanation: The wind in this poem symbolizes inspiration or a message from afar. The speaker feels drawn into a daydream, following the wind's call. The poem suggests a sense of wanderlust and a yearning for discovery, as the speaker follows the wind's whispered tales.

  6. The evening sky is painted with shades of orange and purple. As the sun sets, my heart fills with hope for tomorrow and a gentle sadness for the passing day. The beginning of a quiet night wraps around me.
    Explanation: This poem captures the bittersweet beauty of a sunset, where the speaker feels both anticipation for the future and melancholy for the day that has passed. The quiet night that follows offers a peaceful transition, symbolizing reflection and rest.

  7. A sudden breeze brushes my cheek, and I can feel the changing of the seasons. The leaves on the trees are beginning to turn color and will soon fall. In the midst of this cycle, I wonder what I can leave behind.
    Explanation: The breeze in this poem symbolizes change, as the speaker becomes aware of the passage of time and the inevitable transitions of life. The falling leaves represent the cycle of life, and the speaker reflects on their own legacy and what impact they will leave behind.

  8. The moonlight reflects on the surface of the lake, spreading out in ripples of light across the gently moving water. In the stillness, unspoken emotions rise from deep within my heart. The night embraces it all.
    Explanation: This poem portrays a quiet, reflective moment by a lake under the moonlight. The stillness of the night allows the speaker's deepest feelings to surface, suggesting that the peaceful environment provides space for inner reflection and emotional clarity.

  9. On a snowy night, the streetlights illuminate the falling snowflakes as they dance down from the sky. Amid the cold, I sense a hidden warmth that soothes my heart. I hold my frozen hands, feeling the light within me.
    Explanation: The snow in this poem represents a cold, quiet night, but rather than focusing on the harshness of the winter, the speaker finds warmth within. The illuminated snowflakes create a sense of magic and calm, while the speaker reflects on the inner warmth that sustains them through the cold.

  10. The footprints left by a traveler disappear into the sand. The waves wash them away, and the beach returns to its quiet state, as if nothing ever happened. But the story told by those footprints will continue on, carried by the wind.
    Explanation: This poem speaks about the impermanence of life and experiences. Although the physical footprints in the sand are washed away by the waves, the memory and impact of the traveler's journey continue to live on. The wind represents the enduring nature of stories, suggesting that while physical traces may disappear, their essence remains.

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