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Shimabara Castle Lord, Matsukura Shigemasa:

Matsukura Shigemasa, the lord of Shimabara Castle, was a daimyo during the early Edo period and the second lord of the Shimabara Domain in Hizen Province. Born in 1593, he served Tokugawa Ieyasu from a young age and, due to Ieyasu's trust, became the lord of Shimabara. He contributed to the development of the domain by promoting land development and improving the castle town.

Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion:

The Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion took place from 1637 to 1638 as a response to the Tokugawa shogunate's suppression of Christians and their beliefs. During this period, the shogunate aimed to eliminate Christian influences, leading to uprisings by many farmers and Christians who resisted this crackdown.

Shimabara Castle, held by the rebels, faced resistance from Matsukura Shigemasa, but the overwhelming military power of the shogunate proved insurmountable, resulting in the fall of Shimabara Castle. This marked the beginning of the Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion.

Impact on Kuchinotsu and Katsuza:

During the Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion, many regions within the Shimabara Domain were affected by the conflicts and suppression. The notation "all deaths" for places like Kuchinotsu and Katsuza indicates the impact of the rebellion, with numerous casualties occurring due to the battles between the uprising forces and the shogunate army.

Migration and Reconstruction:

After the Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion, the shogunate expelled many Christians to stabilize the region and initiated redevelopment efforts within the domain. During this period, immigrants from other regions were brought in, and reconstruction was attempted. The new residents, inheriting the history and culture of Shimabara, contributed to the rebuilding of the local community.

Tracing Roots and the Influence of Immigration:

Discovering your roots tracing back to Shodoshima and recognizing the influence of immigration highlights how historical events, such as the Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion, impacted people and local societies, leading to reconstruction. Immigration likely brought new cultures and values to the community, and their influence may have persisted over time, shaping the region into the present day.


  1. 出自と名前:

  • 天草四郎時貞は、肥前国の豪族・松倉家の出身で、島原藩主・松倉重政の弟として生まれました。そのため、松倉四郎とも呼ばれます。

  1. 島原・天草の乱への関与:

  • 島原・天草の乱では、彼は松倉重政と共に幕府に対抗し、反乱軍の指導者として活動しました。彼はキリシタンであり、乱の背景にはキリシタン弾圧政策への反発がありました。

  1. 島原城籠城戦:

  • 乱の中で、天草四郎時貞は島原城の籠城戦で重要な役割を果たしました。城の守りを固め、数か月にわたり幕府軍に対抗しましたが、最終的には落城しました。

  1. 最期:

  • 島原城が陥落した後、天草四郎時貞は捕らえられました。彼は処刑を免れるためにキリシタンを棄教し、改名していくつかの城で幽閉生活を送りましたが、最終的には許されず、1651年に切腹しました。

  1. 乱の影響:

  • 島原・天草の乱は、キリシタン弾圧と地元の住民の反発によって引き起こされたもので、多くの人々が犠牲となりました。乱の鎮圧後、キリシタンは弾圧され、地域社会は大きな変革を経験しました。


Overview of Amakusa Shirō Tokisada:

Origin and Name:

Amakusa Shirō Tokisada hailed from the powerful Matsukura family in Hizen Province, with his brother being Shimabara Castle Lord Matsukura Shigemasa. Due to this connection, he is also referred to as Matsukura Shirō.

Involvement in the Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion:

During the Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion, he collaborated with his brother, Matsukura Shigemasa, in opposition to the shogunate, emerging as a leader of the rebel forces. Being a Christian, his participation in the rebellion was driven by resistance against the shogunate's Christian suppression policies.

Siege of Shimabara Castle:

Amidst the rebellion, Amakusa Shirō Tokisada played a crucial role in the defense of Shimabara Castle. Strengthening its defenses, he resisted the shogunate forces for several months, but the castle eventually fell.


Following the fall of Shimabara Castle, Amakusa Shirō Tokisada was captured. To escape execution, he renounced Christianity, changed his name, and spent time in confinement in various castles. However, he was ultimately not pardoned and committed seppuku in 1651.

Impact of the Rebellion:

The Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion, triggered by Christian suppression and local resistance, resulted in numerous casualties. After quelling the rebellion, Christianity faced severe repression, leading to significant societal changes in the region.

Amakusa Shirō Tokisada's life encapsulates the role he played as a revealed military figure during the Shimabara-Tenshudo Rebellion and the historical context of the era in which he lived.




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